We went to Cyril Hart arboretum nr Speech House on thursday. There is over 200 species of tree there some of which were pretty cool. We also took a walk along to Speech house lake, which unlike the last time we visited was eerily quiet, hopefully awaiting its winter migrants.
Coal tit and sparrow
Blue tit


Coal tit


After the arboretum we decided to go check on the Mute swan family at Cannop ponds. We were greeted again by the Little Grebes and this time I managed to get a semi decent shot.
Adult Little Grebe

The Mute swan cob was still chasing ducklings and at one point separated a family of Mallards, with a couple of babies being trapped in the reeds near us.
Mute swan pen after ducking down and stirring the sludge on the bottom up in the hopes of finding a meal.
The cygnets were all flapping and simulating take off's on the water so I don't think it will be long before they leave.